

Energy efficiency of heat pumps - what is worth knowing?

Heat pumps are, next to photovoltaics, one of the most popular technologies using renewable energy sources. By transferring thermal energy from the so-called “bottom source” - the ground, air or a body of water - it is possible to heat a building at a much lower cost than using classic CO. However, the energy efficiency of a heat pump can vary depending on a whole range of factors. What affects the efficiency of a heat pump and can this parameter be improved?


Net billing – what is it and how does it work in practice?

A prosumer who installed a photovoltaic system after April 1, 2022, no longer uses the well-known "net metering" system, but a new method for settling electricity purchase and sales. This is called net billing. Initially considered less transparent than net metering and potentially less beneficial, net billing turns out to be an effective solution. What should you know about it? How does net billing work?



Biogas Plants – The Future of Renewable Energy? Benefits or Threats to the Environment?

In the search for energy independence, most people initially look to photovoltaics. Indeed, solar energy is a good example of renewable energy, but it is certainly not the only one. Biogas plants, which use organic waste to produce electricity, heat water, and, after purification, serve as fuel for CNG engines, are gaining gradual popularity. How do biogas plants work, and is investing in them worthwhile?


Application for increasing the kWh limit in 2024 – what you need to know?

Due to the rapidly increasing electricity prices, the Polish government has introduced protective measures to shield both households and businesses from sudden increases in energy bills. However, lower electricity prices apply only up to a certain energy consumption threshold. Who can benefit from the increased kWh limit in 2024 and how to submit such an application?


The Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) – what is it about, and what is its significance? Here's an explanation!

The European Union continuously seeks ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One of the methods is to increase the share of bio-components in fuels used in sectors like transportation. This approach aims to improve air quality. To achieve this, the content of a directive called RED II was developed. What exactly does RED II aim to change, and can Poland successfully implement it?


What do you need to know about the RED III directive?

On October 18, the Directive of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2023/2413 was adopted, amending Directive (EU) 2018/2001, Regulation (EU) 2018/1999, and Directive 98/70/EC regarding the promotion of energy from renewable sources, and repealing Council Directive (EU) 2015/652, also known as the RED III Directive. This marks another step in the extensive plans of EU legislators aimed at achieving energy transformation in member states while respecting environmental considerations. What exactly does RED III change, and how can one prepare for it?


How does a smart energy grid work?

Key Information The power grid, developed at the end of the 19th century, had one primary goal: to generate enough electricity to meet the needs of end users—businesses and households. However, as demand for electricity increases, traditional centralized supply systems are proving insufficient. What is the concept behind a smart energy grid, and can your company become part of it?


PPE Number – Why it is important and where to find tt? A guide

Accurate billing for the electricity consumed by a user requires that the provider can identify exactly where and under what conditions the electricity is being delivered. This is what the PPE number is used for. Where can you find it, and why is the PPE number important?


How to Sort Waste? 5 Eco-Friendly Tips for Companies

Segregation of garbage is important for the comfort of life of all of us. This should be remembered not only by residents of apartment blocks or single-family houses, but also by companies. Failure to do so not only risks a higher fee, but also harms the environment. How to segregate garbage in a company to do it properly?


Power grid frequency - what is worth knowing about it?

Grid frequency is one of the fundamental parameters of the power system, especially in the context of the growing share of energy from renewable sources. And while the standard value of grid frequency varies from one region of the world or country to another, the requirement remains the same everywhere - to keep it constant. This determines the operation of all electronic devices, including those of critical importance.


What are the threats to the environment and what can we do about it? Overview

International organisations have been drawing attention to environmental risks for years. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of profit, companies are interfering more and more intensively and aggressively in the world around us. Can your company do something to combat environmental threats?

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