Reduce your company's
expenditure on electricity

Join Business Groups

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How does the group work in practice?

Cooperation in the Business Group model involves the sale of the electricity generated by the RES Generator within the established Group, at a price agreed by the members of the Group. sp. z o.o. - a company specialising in the trading of electricity from 100% renewable energy sources, remains a party to the contract and is responsible for its overall handling, including in particular commercial balancing and settlements.


Your business has a capital connection

Business is dispersed over many locations

You are a producer and consumer of RES energy

Explore the benefits for your business


Full service and billing of group participants by thanks to innovative IT systems



Economic security - predictability of costs / revenues in the medium and long term.



Reducing balancing costs - receiving surpluses and covering shortfalls of green energy within the Group.



Possibility to establish business cooperation between the Groups



Setting individual commercial conditions directly between electricity generators and consumers.



Flexibility in the arrangement of relationships between Group participants.


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Quick answers

"Contract Balancing Cost” – the costs of commercial balancing and performance of contracts concluded between producers and customers, resulting from differences between the production and consumption curves occurring in each hour of each contract period.

We sign contracts with clients electronically. You can choose from three options: qualified electronic signature, signing the document by a trusted profile or by the Autenti platform.

Terms of sale of energy from OZE on

You should have the status of Electricity Producer and have a registered business activity.
The energy buy-back itself will be possible if you have a one-way meter.
If you have a two-way meter, it is impossible for us to purchase electricity alone. Then we will conclude a contract with you for the purchase and sale of electricity.

Below is a set of necessary data to prepare an offer:

  • Information on the sale of electricity
  • Until when is your current contract for the sale of electricity valid?
  • How much electricity do you use monthly (in the case of variable consumption, provide information on annual consumption)?
  • What tariff group do you currently have?
  • How many PPE points do you have?
  • Does the above consumption apply to all PPE points?
  • Do you intend to reduce or increase the demand for electricity during the year?
  • Do you have your own source of electricity generation from RES? If so, what is the power and type of this installation?
  • Information on the purchase of electricity
  • What type of installation do you have?
  • What is the power of your installation?
  • How many PPE points do you have?
  • What is the electricity consumption for your own installation?

Please submit any complaints regarding invoices to the following e-mail address:

If you produce more electricity than indicated in the offer, the surplus you produce will be billed at the agreed price. We guarantee the balancing of your contract.

The producer is billed according to the actual production of electricity, using the prices and fee rates specified in the Agreement. The electricity production volume should be estimated as precisely as possible over the entire duration of the contract. will balance the difference.

The energy you produce and feed into the distribution network will be settled at the market price or at the price from the selected offer on the platform.

After booking the selected offer, you will receive an e-mail confirming the booking. Then, within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays), our Advisor will contact you and provide you with all the necessary information and send you a contract to sign. The agreement will be in electronic form, and it will be possible to sign it using a trusted profile, a qualified electronic signature or the Autenti® Platform - the choice is up to you. You have 48 hours to sign the contract and send it back to the Advisor. Then, after the contract is verified by the team, you will receive confirmation of completion of the formalities and the contract also signed by us.

You will receive information about payments and the current balance via e-mail. Please direct questions regarding the balance to

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