Power Purchase Agreement

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are an innovative solution that allows companies and institutions to use renewable energy in a cost-effective way, with a measurable environmental effect.

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A cPPA concerns the physical supply of electricity, carried out through the national electricity system (NPS) to which the consumer and the generator are connected. Such a contract fixes the quantity and price of energy that the customer will receive. Balancing of supply and settlements related to this balancing are also often part of such a contract.


A vPPA is a financial contract linked to a physical contract for the sale of electricity, but not involving the physical delivery of that energy. The customer sets the price for the energy in the contract, but it does not go directly to the customer. The customer buys the physically delivered energy under a separate contract, and the vPPA provides differential settlement, bringing the purchase price of the physically delivered electricity down to the price agreed under the vPPA. The balancing of physical supply is outside such an agreement.

Benefits of PPAs

Cost optimisation and security of supply

PPAs allow you to obtain competitive rates for renewable energy, which translates into significant savings for your business. With stable and long-term contracts, you are assured that your energy costs are predictable and controlled.

Cost optimisation and security of supply

Increasing independence

With PPAs, you gain energy independence. You can use energy from renewable sources such as solar or wind power.

Increasing independence

Environmentally friendly company image

You can proudly present your company as an environmental leader, which is increasingly important for customers and business partners.

Environmentally friendly company image

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance)

Supporting and documenting the implementation of ESG sustainability.

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance)

Reduction of CO2 emissions

By investing in renewable energy through PPAs, you are helping to reduce CO2 emissions and making a positive impact on the environment.

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Energy from 100% renewable sources

Price indexed or not indexed

Flexible contract period: 10 - 15 years

Contract balancing

Contract in EUR or PLN

Overall contract management

Check how much you can save

Contract length
+5 years
Type of energy source
65% 35%
Estimated annual
74 000 zł
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Quick answers

"Contract Balancing Cost” – the costs of commercial balancing and performance of contracts concluded between producers and customers, resulting from differences between the production and consumption curves occurring in each hour of each contract period.

Prices of the Balancing Market (RB) can be checked on the website of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne - https://www.pse.pl/obszary-dzialalnosci/rynek-energii/ceny-i-ilosc-energii-na-rynku-bilansujacym
TGE prices can be checked on the website of the Polish Power Exchange - https://tge.pl/energia-elektryczna-rdn

The Day-Ahead Market (RDN) is one of the markets operating within the Polish Power Exchange (Towarowa Giełda Energii - TGE). The main product traded on the DAM is the physical delivery of electricity on the next day. Trade takes place mainly between electricity producers and trading companies or large consumers.
On the RDN it is possible to trade not only on the Polish market but also on the international market. Fixing I refers to the Polish market, and Fixing II to the international market.
As the name suggests, purchase and sale offers on the DAM are submitted one day before the physical delivery of electricity. Quotations, i.e. setting prices on the DAM according to Fixing I takes place between 8:00 and 10:30 from Monday to Sunday, and the final prices are published at the end of the quotation at 10:30. This means that on Monday at 10:30 am the prices valid for Tuesday are published, etc. The price is determined on the basis of electricity purchase and sale offers.

The Balancing Market (RB) is a technical market where production and demand are balanced and physical performance of energy purchase/sale agreements concluded by participants is ensured.
The entity responsible for the functioning of RB is Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE), which acts as the Transmission System Operator in Poland.
The price of electricity on the Balancing Market is shaped on the basis of the offers of energy producers and large consumers.
We distinguish:
•  the settlement price of the CRO sales deviation - this is the price of electricity purchased from PSE on the RB
•  the settlement price of the CROz purchase deviation - this is the price of electricity sold to PSE on the RB

The formed prices are hourly prices, which means that the price of electricity is shaped separately in each hour of the day. You can easily check the prices on the website of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne - https://www.pse.pl/obszary-dzialalnosci/rynek-energii/ceny-i-ilosc-energii-na-rynku-bilansujacym
Electricity prices are determined on the basis of CROs - the settlement price of the sales deviation, applicable on the Balancing Market (RB) at h [PLN/MWh], settled according to the actual hourly consumption plus a fixed fee, which includes the cost of purchase and redemption of Certificates of Origin, excise tax and margin.

No, the floating price means that the following will be used to settle the contract:

- hourly price (CROsh), applicable on the Balancing Market (RB) [PLN/MWh], increased by the established margin, taking into account the costs of balancing, the cost of purchase and redemption of Certificates of Origin and the excise tax.


- TGE hourly price, according to Fixing I on the Day-Ahead Market [PLN/MWh], increased by the established margin, taking into account the costs of balancing, the cost of purchase and redemption of Certificates of Origin and the excise tax.

Settlement based on the above prices will be implemented according to the actual hourly consumption (consumption) of electricity by the End User.

The cogeneration fee is part of the distribution fee and is not related to the purchase of electricity. These funds are used to support high-efficiency cogeneration.

The capacity fee is part of the distribution fee and is not related to the purchase of electricity. These funds are allocated to the maintenance and development of generation capacity in the power grid. The amount of the capacity fee is determined by the Energy Regulatory Office. By September 30 of each year, the rates for the next calendar year are announced.

On the Reo.pl platform, we sell only green energy that comes from producers who have their own OZE installations.

Electricity is sold via Reo.pl with OZE guarantees of origin. This is a document that confirms that electricity was generated from renewable energy sources.

Reo also has its own quality mark and 100% guarantee of origin of renewable energy, which it makes available to its customers.

A network failure should be reported under the emergency number 991. The free telephone number of the Energy Emergency Service for reporting a power failure is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for all residents of Poland - regardless of the area of ​​operation of the Distribution System Operator. The seller is never responsible for the failure to supply energy, but the distributor.

A fall-back supplier is a supplier who has an agreement with the operator of the distribution system to which the customer is connected and who has a published price list for fall-back sales. If you lose your supplier, the sale of energy will automatically take place through the backup supplier. However, one should remember about the high prices of electricity under the reserve sale, because their amount is not regulated anywhere. Therefore, energy prices in the case of reserve sales are several times higher than in the case of ordinary energy sales. The prices of energy for the reserve sale are published by the reserve sellers on their websites.

Nr KRS : 0000953880, Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy, ;XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego; Wysokość kapitału; zakładowego: 490 000,00 zł;
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