

Power grid frequency - what is worth knowing about it?

Grid frequency is one of the fundamental parameters of the power system, especially in the context of the growing share of energy from renewable sources. And while the standard value of grid frequency varies from one region of the world or country to another, the requirement remains the same everywhere - to keep it constant. This determines the operation of all electronic devices, including those of critical importance.


What are the threats to the environment and what can we do about it? Overview

International organisations have been drawing attention to environmental risks for years. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of profit, companies are interfering more and more intensively and aggressively in the world around us. Can your company do something to combat environmental threats?


Advantages and disadvantages of wind energy - a compendium of knowledge

Wind power plants are an increasingly common feature of our landscape. Not surprisingly, it is an economical and environmentally friendly way of generating electricity. However, it is worth considering the pros and cons of such a solution. Here is a compendium of all the pros and cons of wind energy.


Alternative energy sources - what is worth knowing about them?

The use of electricity is crucial for companies and individual users. As natural resources become depleted, there is more and more talk of alternative energy sources. What are these and how can they be used?


Energy transformation - what benefits can it bring to your business?

The fact that companies should gradually embark on the 'green road' has been talked about for years. The issue has received particularly high publicity in the context of the CSRD. What is corporate energy transformation and why does it pay off?


How to lower your business electricity bill? 7 proven ways to lower bills

Electricity expenses are one of the main costs of doing business. They are particularly high in a business that relies on continuous operation of electrical equipment. How to pay less for electricity in your business?

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