Electricity billing


We guarantee savings on green energy purchases

How can the processing industry benefit from renewable energy sources that will reduce emissions in line with the requirements of EU climate policies, while generating savings? This is what Vice President of the Management Board of Reo.pl, Tomasz Morawski, discussed in an interview with the Fermentation and Fruit and Vegetable Industry.


Net billing – what is it and how does it work in practice?

A prosumer who installed a photovoltaic system after April 1, 2022, no longer uses the well-known "net metering" system, but a new method for settling electricity purchase and sales. This is called net billing. Initially considered less transparent than net metering and potentially less beneficial, net billing turns out to be an effective solution. What should you know about it? How does net billing work?



Application for increasing the kWh limit in 2024 – what you need to know?

Due to the rapidly increasing electricity prices, the Polish government has introduced protective measures to shield both households and businesses from sudden increases in energy bills. However, lower electricity prices apply only up to a certain energy consumption threshold. Who can benefit from the increased kWh limit in 2024 and how to submit such an application?

Green encyclopedia

What are electricity rate groups and how do they affect bills?

Electricity is used by both consumers and businesses, and it is difficult to imagine the economy functioning without electricity. However, while electricity is supplied to all points of consumption, its purchase can be billed on different terms. This is decided by electricity tariff groups. What is this and when is it worth changing the tariff group?

Green encyclopedia

How to transfer electricity to a new owner? A practical step-by-step guide

In order to use electricity in a given property, a relevant contract with the energy provider must be signed. When the owner or occupant of the property changes, it is necessary to transfer the electricity meter to the new person. How to transfer the electricity contract quickly and without issues? Check out our guide!

Green encyclopedia

What are negative energy prices and why do they occur?

Negative electricity prices are a phenomenon that at first glance may seem paradoxical – why would producers pay consumers to use energy? In reality, this is the result of dynamic changes in the energy market, driven by the rise of renewable energy production and the volatility of demand. In this article, we explain what negative energy prices are, why they occur, and the challenges and opportunities they present for energy systems.

Business and law

The Role of PPA Agreements in Achieving ESG Goals

In the evolving and transitioning energy market, PPA/CPPA agreements, or Corporate Power Purchase Agreements, are rapidly gaining importance. This growing interest is hardly surprising, as for many companies, these agreements serve as key evidence that the business is committed to environmental protection, supporting decarbonization, fostering the development of renewable energy sources, and thereby genuinely implementing ESG strategy principles. In the context of global trends and the increasing demand for clean energy, interest in such agreements is rising, particularly among companies where ESG is becoming an integral part of a long-term and authentic business strategy.


PPE Number – Why it is important and where to find tt? A guide

Accurate billing for the electricity consumed by a user requires that the provider can identify exactly where and under what conditions the electricity is being delivered. This is what the PPE number is used for. Where can you find it, and why is the PPE number important?

Green encyclopedia

Prosumer – who is it and what is their role in the world of renewable energy?

The operation of modern power systems, known as smart grids, no longer relies solely on electricity generation by a few large, state-owned providers. Prosumers are playing an increasingly important role in these systems. Who is a prosumer, and why is their role in the world of renewable energy so crucial?

Green encyclopedia

What is a OSD network is? We explain!

Although the electricity grid is gradually being rebuilt from a centralized model to a smart grid emphasizing a plurality of smaller and larger energy producers and distributors, there still has to be someone in charge of balancing energy nationwide and maintaining the central grid that we all use - prosumers, consumers and businesses alike. That role is played by the DSO distribution network. What is it and how does it work?


Power grid frequency - what is worth knowing about it?

Grid frequency is one of the fundamental parameters of the power system, especially in the context of the growing share of energy from renewable sources. And while the standard value of grid frequency varies from one region of the world or country to another, the requirement remains the same everywhere - to keep it constant. This determines the operation of all electronic devices, including those of critical importance.

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