in cooperation with MAG Dystrybucja in cooperation with MAG Dystrybucja


The agreement between Sp. z o.o. and MAG Dystrybucja Sp. z o.o. came into force at the beginning of 2023. Sp. k.

The agreement between Sp. z o.o. and MAG Dystrybucja Sp. z o.o. came into force at the beginning of 2023. Sp. k. This nationwide logistics company has been operating in the market for more than 20 years, and the company's growth dynamics are increasing year on year. MAG Dystrybucja also carries out export orders. For representatives of the logistics industry, optimising energy-related costs is very important. No less important is the choice of a reliable and credible partner - we thank MAG Dystrybucja for its trust and are glad that green energy is present in the Polish logistics industry. 
Thank you for your trust!
We invite you to shop for 100% green energy at


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NIP: 5213956475, REGON: 521277758