Energy vouchers - from when and for whom? Compendium of knowledge

Energy vouchers - from when and for whom? Compendium of knowledge


Energy vouchers are a new form of financial support to help households cope with rising energy costs. From when will they be available and who can count on them? Check out our compendium of knowledge!

Energy vouchers are a new form of financial support to help households cope with rising energy costs. From when will they be available and who can count on them? Check out our compendium of knowledge! 

Energy vouchers - definition and rules of operation

As of July 1 of this year, we will pay more for electricity. This will happen because electricity prices have been unfrozen and there has been an announced increase in the maximum price. Instead of the previous amount of PLN 412 net per MWh, the maximum price for households is now PLN 500 per MWh (50 gr. net per kWh). Including VAT and excise taxes, this is PLN 0.6212 per 1 kWh.

Local government units, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, as well as public utilities such as schools and hospitals will pay even more. Here the maximum price for electricity is already PLN 693 per MWh.

Due to the implemented increases, government assistance in the form of an energy voucher has been developed. Energy vouchers 2024 are one-time cash benefits intended for households whose income does not exceed certain rates per person remaining in the household. The new subsidy took off on July 1, 2024, and will be in effect until December 31, 2024, under the Law of June 13, 2024.

Energy vouchers - for whom? Who can benefit?

Those interested in electricity subsidies are subject to established income criteria. This cash benefit is available to those households whose average income for the previous year, that is, for 2023, did not exceed the amount of PLN 2,500 per person in a single-person household or PLN 1,700 per person in a multi-person household. 

The law specifies specific, differentiated rates of support for the payment of electricity bills, which are due according to a breakdown of 4 classified groups of households:

  1. For a one-person household - 300 PLN
  2. For a household consisting of 2 to 3 people - PLN 400
  3. For a household consisting of 4 to 5 persons - PLN 500 
  4. For a household consisting of 6 or more persons - PLN 600 

The subsidies are slightly different for those who use electric-powered heating in their households, such as a heat pump or a storage furnace. For them, financial support increased by 100% is provided. Such families must also meet the same income criterion for the previous year. What are the rates of the energy voucher in their case?

  1. For a one-person household - PLN 600
  2. For a household consisting of 2 to 3 people - 800 zlotys
  3. For a household consisting of 4 to 5 people - PLN 1000
  4. For a household consisting of 6 or more people - PLN 1200

Energy voucher 2024 - “zloty for zloty” principle

It is worth noting that the law provides for an exception to the income criteria - money from the energy voucher also for those who exceed the mentioned income limits. This is the so-called “zloty for zloty” principle. What is it based on?

People whose income is higher than the established income criterion limits can apply for an energy voucher. In this case, the amount of the voucher will simply be reduced by the value of the excess, i.e. the higher the amount of the excess, the lower the amount of the benefit. The minimum amount of energy vouchers paid can be no less than PLN 20. Below PLN 20, the energy voucher amount will not be paid.

Since when are energy vouchers? Deadlines and procedures

According to the Law on Energy Vouchers and Amendments to Certain Laws to Restrict Prices of Electricity, Natural Gas and System Heat, passed by the Parliament on May 23, 2024, an energy voucher will be entitled for the period from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

 The relevant application for payment of the benefit must be submitted to the municipality or city office between August 1 and September 30, 2024 inclusive. The office will have 60 days to process the application, while payments should be made later this year and in early 2025.

The template for the application for the energy voucher is made available by the Minister of Energy in the Public Information Bulletin (BIP), and information should be searched for on the website of the relevant office. The application can be submitted in two ways: on paper or electronically, by means of electronic communication. In the latter case, the document must be signed with a qualified electronic signature, personal signature or trusted profile. 

What information should a properly completed application for an energy voucher contain?

  • Data of the applicant and data of household members,
  • Income data of persons in the household,
  • information about the main source of heating, payment account number and details of its owner
  • other information that is necessary to verify and confirm the income of persons in the household.

According to estimates, the energy voucher is expected to go to 3.5 million families. Thanks to reasonably set income thresholds, the support will go to those who really need such assistance, as well as to families struggling with energy poverty. Pensioners receiving the lowest benefits are additionally eligible for the voucher. For them, this is an important cash injection to help them get through the difficult winter time.


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