New customers trust!

New customers trust!


The number of companies that trust the platform is growing. Joining the ranks of those who are making green energy a part of their daily operations at the beginning of March were...

The number of companies that trust the platform is growing. Those who make green energy an element of their daily operations were joined at the beginning of March by: The University of Humanities and Sciences in Częstochowa and the Wieliczka Municipality Office. Real pro-environmental activities on the part of local authorities and educational institutions are cause for great joy, as they have a significant impact on promoting and shaping attitudes in local communities.  The use of renewable sources as an element of the strategy accompanies modern and conscious entities - we are proud to count the University of the Humanities and Life Sciences in Częstochowa and the Municipal Office of Wieliczka in this group. Thank you for your trust!
We invite you to shop for 100% green energy at




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