Welcome to Reo.pl

Welcome to Reo.pl


We are pleased to announce that Reo.pl - Renewable Energy Market started its operations on 16 February 2022. It was established by spinning off from PGB Dystrybucja Sp. z o.o. an organised part of the company, in the field of electricity trading on the wholesale and retail markets.

We are pleased to announce that Reo.pl - Renewable Energy Market started its operations on 16 February 2022. It was established by spinning off from PGB Dystrybucja Sp. z o.o. an organised part of the company, in the field of electricity trading on the wholesale and retail markets. In addition, the company acts as a commercial and technical operator, which involves the commercial balancing of generators, consumers and prosumers.
Energy trading is based on a unique platform that will directly connect energy consumers with energy producers.
It allows renewable energy generators to increase their revenues from the electricity they produce without the need to employ professional staff, have the infrastructure and financial resources necessary to trade electricity, acquire customers, conduct customer billing, reporting and pay any associated charges. It allows consumers to reduce the cost of the electricity they consume and prosumers to increase revenue from the sale of energy from their own installations.

Take care of the environment with us.
Join the ranks of our customers.


Nr KRS : 0000953880, Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy, ;XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego; Wysokość kapitału; zakładowego: 490 000,00 zł;
NIP: 5213956475, REGON: 521277758