Green energy is profitable! Interview with Grzegorz Tomasik on Raport

Green energy is profitable! Interview with Grzegorz Tomasik on Raport


Grzegorz Tomasik, Vice President of the Management Board of, talked to Bogusław Mazur, Editor, for Raport Is green energy also profitable for small business?

Grzegorz Tomasik, Vice President of the Management Board of, interviewed by Bogusław Mazur, Editor for Raport Is green energy also profitable for small business? What are the key benefits of RES energy for entrepreneurs? What can we say about the current level of development of the Polish energy market, the European Green Deal and... visions of inevitable climate change? Many interesting issues and hot topics of interest to Polish entrepreneurs. We invite you to read on!

- Opening up to green energy is driven by several issues. The key is price competitiveness, achieving the stability and independence that is so difficult to achieve in the fossil fuel market. Entrepreneurs are actively looking for savings and find them, among others, by using RES in the long term,' says Grzegorz Tomasik.

The decision to choose green energy is also influenced by legislative changes and the heated discussion that is taking place around non-financial reporting and the implementation of ESG standards. The company's impact
on the environment are no longer just slogans on the billboards of major brands - they are real actions of the SME sector as well. Entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly aware that environmental issues, the topic of energy efficiency and the creation of a low-carbon economy are something that also concerns them.
From all these elements, an increased interest in green energy is building.

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