's customer base is growing!'s customer base is growing!


Meet the companies that have said YES to green energy.

The number of companies interested in renewable energy sources is growing steadily, which makes us very happy. Especially when companies choose, trusting that it is on our Platform that they will find 100% green energy, the highest quality of services, innovative solutions and a friendly marketplace for trading renewable energy. In recent months, more companies have joined the ranks of our clients for whom sustainability and ecology are important. These include Hotel Transport Usługi Gołubowicz - owner of Ventus Natural&Medical SPA in Goldap, a transport company from Łomża - P.T.H.U. Zalewski Andrzej, Zakład Produkcyjny Aparatury Elektrycznej Sp. z o.o. from Siemianowice Śląskie or a company dealing with photovoltaics - BIOEN-Maciej Klempouz.

Very different businesses and areas of activity with a common denominator, which is strategic, modern thinking about a green future and the creation of environmentally friendly solutions.

Thank you for being with us!


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