Green cooperation between and Beskid Żywiec Sp. z o.o.

Green cooperation between and Beskid Żywiec Sp. z o.o.


Beskid Żywiec and started cooperation at the beginning of June 2022 as a result of winning a tender procedure.

Beskid Żywiec and started cooperation at the beginning of June 2022 as a result of winning a tender procedure. The submitted offer assumed, inter alia, the best price conditions, and signed with Beskid Żywiec Sp. z o.o. the contract covers both the sale of electricity and the purchase of energy surpluses from photovoltaic sources generated by Beskid Żywiec Sp. z o.o.

We highly value cooperation with - says Jerzy Kliś, President of the Management Board of Beskid Żywiec S.A. Very attractive prices offered by, reliability in everyday operations, as well as common, pro-ecological goals - we have a lot in common, so we are very pleased with our cooperation so far – says the President of the Management Board of Beskid Żywiec S.A..

The foundation of the activity of Beskid Żywiec S.A. is waste management, which is why it is on the front line of pro-ecological activities included in the company's mission. Acting in accordance with European standards, confirmed, among others, by As part of the July ISO certification audit, Beskid Żywiec focuses its efforts on implementing projects and initiatives of real dimension for sustainable development and environmental protection. On the local and regional level, it promotes initiatives related to, for example, education in the field of waste segregation or tree planting as part of the fight against global warming. The plans for the coming months include further initiatives concerning, inter alia, generating heat and electricity from green matter. belongs to the Capital Group, in which the companies of the Polish Biogas Group are present, implementing projects related to the production of heat and biogas, which is a source of green energy. We do not exclude cooperation in this area as well.

Beskid Żywiec S.A. focuses on recycling at source and promotes innovative technologies that optimize waste disposal - with the greatest possible benefit for the environment, e.g. it transforms a large part of green waste into compost, which covers municipal waste. It also focuses on renewable energy sources - it generates 10% of its own energy resources thanks to photovoltaic installations located on the roof of the Company's building.

It was natural for us to choose green energy that ensures uninterrupted and effective operation.
We actively educate, partner with pro-ecological initiatives, cooperate with municipalities, the Żywiec Energy Cluster and many other entities. Green energy is an extremely important topic for us, because we are aware that there is a future in renewable energy sources and the wise, responsible use of natural resources - both economic and ecological. is our natural partner in action. By providing green energy, supports us in implementing pro-ecological postulates in practice, and it is crucial - to put ecological activities into action and thus actually change the reality around us for the better.

- says Jerzy Kliś, President of the Management Board of Beskid Żywiec S.A.


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