Renewable energy
Renewable energy sources - what are renewable energy sources and what are their types?
Energy is essential for businesses to function. Companies need it on a daily basis to operate efficiently. The RES industry can minimise the environmental impact of industry and reduce business costs. What is worth knowing about it?
Energy efficiency: a key factor for sustainable development and environmental protection
Energy efficiency has become one of the most important issues in the field of energy and sustainable development. In the face of changing economic conditions, increasing energy demand, and growing environmental awareness, energy efficiency is of paramount importance to achieve the goals of reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, protecting the environment and water management, and improving resource efficiency.
What is an energy certificate? We take a closer look at the issue of 'coloured' certificates
In recent years, the European Union has been intensifying its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the share of renewable energy sources in its total energy production. In this context, renewable energy also from biomass is becoming a key element of the energy transition.
The green face of Ventus Natural & Medical Spa**** Working together for a better future.
Ventus Natural & Medical Spa** is a hotel located in the heart of the Masuria region, which integrates picturesque landscapes and proximity to nature into its operations, fitting in with the holistic and recreational character of the place. A further step towards sustainability for the facility is the investment in renewable energy. Thanks to a partnership with, the Ventus Natural & Medical Spa** hotel is powered by green energy. Let's find out more about the history of this collaboration.
What is a carbon footprint and how do you calculate it?
Carbon footprint, also known as 'ecological footprint' or 'carbon footprint', is a concept that has become one of the key indicators in the context of climate change and sustainable development. It represents the amount of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO₂), emitted into the atmosphere as a result of human activities or production processes. The carbon footprint is a measure of the human impact on global warming and is an indicator of the impact of our activities on the planet. How do you calculate it and reduce it? Check out our guide!
What are power purchase agreements (PPA)? Who is this type of contract for in the green energy market?
Long-term contracts for the purchase of green energy is a solution that is gaining more and more supporters. It is a way out to meet the needs of modern entrepreneurs who are consciously building long-term corporate development strategies in the spirit of ESG and sustainability. What is worth knowing about this type of contract and is it suitable for your business?
What are photovoltaic energy stores and when is it worth investing in them?
With advances in technology and the growing demand for sustainable energy sources, energy storage facilities have become an indispensable part of energy systems. Such storage facilities are a step towards a sustainable energy future, where we can store the power of the sun, wind and other renewable energy sources to draw from them in the most efficient way. What else is worth knowing about energy storage?