Reo Platform Regulations


Business Day

Every day of the week from Monday to Friday, except for non-business days referred to in the Act of January 18, 1951 on days off from work (Journal of Laws 2015. 90).

Guarantees of Origin

Guarantees of origin from renewable energy sources relating to electricity generated in a renewable energy source installation that meets the definition included in Art. 2 and 19 of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (OJ L 328 21.12.2018, pp. 82-209), issued by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office and certifying the final customer the environmental values resulting from the avoided greenhouse gas emissions, and, that the amount of electricity specified in this document introduced into the distribution network or transmission network was produced from renewable energy sources in renewable energy installations.


The Act of April 23, 1964 The Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1025, as amended).


The Participant's account on the REO Platform on which the data provided by the Participant as well as all information and lists of Offers issued and Reservations made are collected .

REO Platform

A website or mobile application constituting a sales platform on which the tools are made available through which Participants can issue Electricity Purchase and Sales Offers, hereinafter referred to as the "Goods", and the other Participant can book these Offers in order to conclude Sales Agreements.


An offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, including data and information provided to the other Party, containing essential provisions of each Sales Agreement, which are aimed at concluding a Sales Agreement under terms and conditions specified in the Offer. The Offer may not be withdrawn or modified by the User once it has been booked.


The Act of February 20, 2015 on renewable Energy sources (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1378, as amended).


The Act of April 10, 1997 – The Energy Law (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1385, as amended).


Power Delivery Point - a point in the power grid, where the electricity consumed or introduced in this network is measured by devices that enable the recording of measurement data.


The Balancing Market referred to in the Transmission Network Traffic and Operation Instructions prepared by PSE S.A. based in Konstancin-Jeziorna.

The entity that manages the REO Platform, a party to Purchase and Sales Agreements related to Goods - Sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw, registered in the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000953880, REGON number 521277758, NIP number 5213956475.


These REO Platform Regulations


The status of the Offer marked by the Participant interested in buying or selling Goods under the conditions specified in the Offer prior to the conclusion of the Sales Agreement. The Reservation may last a maximum of [2] business days from the moment the Offer Reservation is marked by the Participant on the REO Platform, and the conclusion of the Sales Agreement.


Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

Force Majeure

A sudden external event, unpredictable and independent from the will of the parties, preventing the use of the REO Platform, in particular, making a Reservation or creating an Offer, in whole or in part, permanently or temporarily, the effects of which cannot be prevented or counteracted with due diligence. Force Majeure includes in particular:
a. natural disasters, including fire, flood, drought, earthquakes and landslides, hurricane, rime,
b. acts of state authority, including martial law, state of emergency, embargoes, blockades, etc.,
c. acts of war, acts of sabotage, acts of terrorism,
d. general strikes or other civil unrest, including public demonstrations

Parties, Participants and other entities using or operating the REO Platform.


”Green energy", i.e. electricity within the meaning of the EL, produced exclusively by renewable energy installations within the meaning of RES, including the associated guarantees of origin.


The entrepreneur referred to in Art. 431 of the Civil Code, having the right to hold an active PPE, registered on the REO Platform and authorised to conclude Sales Agreements, or other authorised legal person within the meaning of the Civil Code, who will not be treated as a consumer within the meaning of Art. 22¹ of the Civil Code in connection with Art. 385⁵ CC.

Sales Agreement

A sales contract concluded remotely, in an electronic or documentary form within the meaning of the Civil Code, via the REO Platform, between and the Participant, the object of which is the purchase or sale of Goods, under the conditions specified in the Offer and in accordance with the Regulations.



  1. The Regulations define the rules of operation and the conditions for the Participants to use the REO Platform via a website operating on desktop computers or mobile devices, as well as the role and scope of operation of as the entity managing the REO Platform and as the Parties to Sales Agreements.
  2. Contact with is possible via e-mail to the following e-mail address:, and the contact form available on the REO Platform. The REO Platform is available at
  3. A prerequisite to start using the REO Platform is that the Participant has:
    1. a technical device with access to the Internet and a web browser, e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, or a mobile device,
    2. an active e-mail account (e-mail),
    3. enabled cookies.


  1. is an energy company that trades in the Goods on the basis of an electricity trading license.
  2. provides the REO Platform in order to enable eligible Participants to issue Offers for the purchase and sale of Goods and the Reservation of Offers provided by other Participants in order to conclude Sales Agreements, where the Parties to the Transaction are always and the Participant.
  3. represents that it is duly authorised to use the REO Platform, and that it has the right to dispose of the REO Platform to the extent specified in the Regulations, including the provision of the REO Platform for use by the Participants. None of the provisions of the Regulations may be interpreted as a transfer of proprietary copyrights to the REO Platform to the Participant or other third party.
  4. Under no circumstances the Participant shall:
    1. permanently or temporarily reproduce the REO Platform in whole or in part, by any means and in any form, in particular, it has no right to record, play, run and transmit,
    2. translate, adapt, change the layout or make any other changes in the REO Platform,
    3. reverse engineer, including through reverse programming or inverse operations,
    4. distribute, e.g. by publishing, lending, leasing, renting, granting license or sub-license, as well as by selling the REO Platform or a copy thereof,
    5. create software that is a derivative work to the REO Platform,
    6. assign, delegate, pledge or otherwise transfer its rights or obligations arising from the use of the REO Platform to another entity, without the prior consent of,
    7. change, remove or obliterate trademarks, copyright marks and other proprietary markings placed on the REO Platform or other documents provided by
  5. As part of making the REO Platform available, shall:
    1. enable the Participant to set up an Account and use the REO Platform in full as part of the existing functionalities,
    2. maintain access to the REO Platform to the extent enabling the use of the existing functionalities of the REO Platform, including in particular, the provision and reservation of Offers and conclusion of Sales Agreements, subject to the provisions of section V clause 1,
    3. conduct marketing activities for the REO Platform, aimed to promote the solutions offered by the REO Platform and attract new participants.
  6. The Participant shall be solely responsible for the content posted on the REO Platform and made available to other Participants and via the REO Platform, including, in particular, data on the Goods and the conditions of the Offers and concluded Sales Agreements.
  7. On account of the possibility of conducting marketing activities by, referred to in clause 5(c) above, the Participant grants the right to use materials and data, including the Participant's logo, which the Participant places in its Offer, in order to create and disseminate materials promoting the REO Platform in a form chosen by the Participant, taking care of the good name of the Participant. If necessary, will be entitled to transfer the aforementioned materials or data to third parties who will carry out work related to the implementation and/or dissemination of materials promoting the REO Platform. In the event of the Participant being deprived of the right to use the aforementioned materials or data, the Participant shall be obliged to immediately inform about this fact.
  8. To the fullest extent permitted by law, shall not be held liable for any disruptions in the operation of the Platform, including in particular, interruptions in the operation of the REO Platform caused by Force Majeure, suspension of the activity of Towarowa Giełda Energii, suspension of the Balancing Market, unauthorised activities of third parties or incompatibility of the REO Platform with the Participant's technical infrastructure, as well as improper acts or omissions of the Participant.


  1. The use of the REO Platform by the Participant who holds the right to dispose of an active PPE shall only be possible after correct registration of a given Participant on the dedicated website or via the REO Platform application and setting up the Participant's Account, as well as accepting the terms of use of the REO Platform set out in these Regulations and the Privacy Policy, as well as rules for contacting Participants via
  2. When setting up an Account, the Participant shall provide true and up-to-date data and update them in the event of a change. The Participant's data should be identical to those indicated in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, the National Court Register or other relevant register of entrepreneurs or personal documents. Otherwise, the Participant shall be fully responsible for any damage caused by providing false or outdated data.
  3. Creating an Account is tantamount to accepting the Regulations and the Privacy Policy by the Participant.
  4. shall be authorised to terminate the Participant's use of the REO Platform with immediate effect in the event of:
    1. losing the right to dispose of PPE,
    2. a material breach by the Participant of the provisions of the Regulations or the Privacy Policy,
    3. the use of the REO Platform in an unlawful manner,
    4. the use of the REO Platform in a way that undermines the reputation or good name of or the REO Platform, as well as in a way that could result in breach of law by,
    5. delay in making payments to by the Participant under the concluded Sales Agreements, lasting at least [7] days.
  5. The Participant shall:
    1. in case of doubts raised by, enable to verify the content posted via the REO Platform in terms of its authenticity and compliance with the Regulations,
    2. in case of doubts raised by, enable to verify the use of the REO Platform, including compliance with the Regulations and respecting the copyrights and proprietary rights of,
    3. use the REO Platform only in accordance with its intended purpose and the conditions set out in the Regulations as well as additional documents and statements made available by as part of the use of the REO Platform and concluded Sales Agreements,
    4. not offer Goods to which the Participant is not entitled,
    5. not provide data enabling third parties to access to the REO Platform, with the exception of persons authorised by the Participant who are employees or associates of the Participant, and the Participant will be solely responsible for the actions or omissions of these persons,
    6. immediately inform about any unlawful use of the Participant's Account by an unauthorised third party,
    7. not provide data or information that are intended to encourage Participants to purchase or sell Goods outside the REO Platform,
    8. provide reliable data on the total planned consumption or production of electricity in the indicated billing period.
  6. In the event that as a result of verification of the Participant of the REO Platform by or as a result of a justified notification by a third party or an authorised body of the event of breach of the law by the Participant using the REO Platform, in particular in the event of breach of the provisions of the Regulations, shall be authorised to immediately block the Participant's Account and cancel the possibility of using the REO Platform.
  7. Moreover, in the event of the circumstances referred to in par. 6 above, shall also be authorised to request that the Participant immediately cease violations and to seek compensation for the resulting damage on the general terms provided for in the Civil Code.
  8. Each time the Participant shall be authorised to provide explanations as to the charges against it, and in the event of cessation of the violations by the Participant or by demonstrating the absence of violations by the Participant, will be able to decide to restore the Participant's rights resulting from the creation of the Account and the possibility of further use of the REO Platform by the Participant.


  1. Correct creation of the Account by the Participant allows full access and use of the REO Platform in accordance with its functionalities, on the terms specified in the Regulations, including in particular the conclusion of Sales Agreements.
  2. After logging in, the Participant places its Offers on the REO Platform via the "+Add your offer" button.
  3. In the case of a Participant who has submitted/accepted a valid Offer, the Parties assume that after the conclusion of the first Sales Agreement via the REO Platform, will be the entity responsible for the total sale/purchase of the Participant's Goods produced/collected under a given PPE. Terms and conditions of the above-mentioned cooperation shall be specified in detail in the Sales Agreement.
  4. The purchase offer for the Goods consists in:
  5. determination of the unit price for the Goods,
  6. determination of the volume of the Goods given in the appropriate measurement unit,
  7. determination of the period within which the Goods are to be delivered.
  8. The offer for the sale of the Goods consists in:
  9. determination of the unit price for the Goods,
  10. determination of the volume of the Goods given in the appropriate measurement unit,
  11. determination of the period within which the Goods are to be delivered.
  12. The Participant interested in a given Offer of the other Participant and the conclusion with of the Sales Agreement on the terms and to the extent specified in a given Offer, marks this Offer as reserved, i.e. makes a Reservation of such Offer, after logging in, by pressing the "Make Reservation" button. The Offer shall be reserved for a maximum period of [2] business days from the moment the Offer has been reserved. The Participant shall be entitled to cancel the Reservation within [24] hours from the moment of making the Reservation without incurring any negative consequences in this respect, and after the expiry of the said period, the Participant shall be obliged to conclude the Sales Agreement, provided that the verification process referred to below results in a positive decision.
  13. After making reservation of the Offer, verifies the Participants who are to be the Parties to the Sale Agreements. The verification consists in particular in checking the Participant's identification data. Having gone through the verification process, the Participants shall be obliged to conclude Sales Agreements.
  14. Until the Offer has been reserved, the Participant is entitled to make changes to the Offer or withdraw the Offer after logging in through the "My Account" Panel. The withdrawn offer may be re-posted on the REO Platform by the Participant.
  15. The Offer is removed by from the REO Platform at the beginning of the first day of the period during which the Goods covered by such Offer are to be delivered, unless the Offer has been booked by another Participant by that date.
  16.  Sales Agreements are concluded by with each Participant interested in purchasing/selling Goods via the REO Platform, in accordance with the Offer submitted by one of the Participants and selected by the other REO Platform Participant.
  17. Each Sales Agreement is concluded between the Participant and upon previously selected and accepted conditions by the Participant, who is the producer or recipient of the Goods, respectively.
  18. is responsible for commercial balancing and settlement of concluded Sales Agreements.
  19. Sales Agreements are concluded in electronic form, along with all additional documents and statements necessary to conclude a Sales Agreement in accordance with the Regulations and applicable law. The Parties also reserve the right to conclude a Sales Agreement in documentary form.
  20.  The conclusion of the Sales Agreement in an electronic form takes place by affixing the Agreement with a qualified electronic signature by each of the Parties, while the conclusion of the Sales Agreement in a documentary form takes place remotely, with the use by the Parties of other electronic tools than a qualified electronic signature.
  21. Depending on the type of entity related to the Participant and the type of the Sales Agreement, while concluding the Sales Agreement, the Participant may be required to present an appropriate power of attorney to change the electricity supplier, terminate the existing sales agreement, comprehensive agreement or the agreement for the provision of electricity distribution services including a relevant application of the Participant to conclude a Sales Agreement.
  22. confirms, via the REO Platform or e-mail correspondence, the correct conclusion of the Sales Agreement and the completeness of the data and documents sent.
  23. In the case of any deficiencies found in the documents signed
  24. or declarations submitted, requests that the Participant immediately supplement the deficiencies, but within no more than 3 Business Days, subject to the possibility of canceling the affected Sales Agreement, after ineffective expiry of the aforementioned deadline and failure to remedy the deficiencies.
  25. Refusal to conclude a Sales Agreement after making a Reservation or failure to supplement the deficiencies in accordance with par. 17 involves the obligation to pay a contractual penalty in the amount of PLN 500.
  26. The implementation of the Sales Agreement shall commence immediately after successful completion of the supplier switching procedure under the terms of this Agreement and (if required) conclusion of the distribution agreement.
  27. While the Participant uses the REO Platform, the Participant may conclude multiple Sales Agreements at the same time or following one after another.


  1. shall not be held liable for:
    1. limited or complete inability to use the website or the REO Platform application by the Participant, due to technical problems or limitations in hardware, ICT system and/or telecommunications infrastructure used by the Participant,
    2. inaccessibility, loss or disclosure of data or information provided by the Participant caused by hardware or system failure or by other circumstances beyond's control, including breach of security by third parties,
    3. unavailability, loss or disclosure of data provided by the Participant on the website or the REO Platform because of Force Majeure,
    4. authenticity, reliability and correctness of information and data provided by the Participant on the REO Platform, including in particular, the proposed volumes purchased or Goods sold,
    5. damage caused by the actions or omissions of the Participant or third parties.
  2. shall be responsible for its own actions and omissions or actions and omissions of persons with the help of whom provides services, as well as persons to whom entrusts these activities. Responsibility for potential damage shall be limited to the actual damage suffered, lost profits excluded, while's liability towards the Participant for the Participant's use of the REO Platform shall be limited to the amount of remuneration received from a given Participant as part of the conclusion of each Sales Agreement via the REO Platform from the date of this Agreement to the date of the event causing damage.
  3. In terms of quality standards of service to the Participants and the functionality of the REO Platform, shall be obliged to:
    1. accepting applications and complaints from the Participants,
    2. provide the Participants, free of charge, with information on the rules of settlements,
    3. consider applications or complaints submitted by the Participants regarding the functionality of the REO Platform, the implementation of Sales Agreements and settlements, respond, no later than within 14 days from the date of submitting applications or filing a complaint via the REO Platform or via e-mail to the following e-mail address:
  4. All applications and complaints should be submitted by the Participants using a dedicated function on the REO Platform, or in the form of an e-mail to the following address:
  5. shall promptly, but not later than within 14 (fourteen) days, consider applications and complaints and send a reply to the Participant's e-mail address.
  6. In the event of failure to meet the quality standards of service rendered to the Participants, the Participant shall have the right to receive a discount in the amount and on the terms specified in generally applicable law, in particular in regulations or in the Sales Agreement concluded with the Participant.
  7. If the application or complaint cannot be submitted via the REO Platform, the application or complaint should be submitted by the Participant immediately, in electronic or documentary form, via e-mail to the following e-mail address:, or via the contact form available on the REO Platform.


  1. All fees related to the handling and implementation of Sales Agreements concluded and to the use of the REO Platform by the Participant and due to are included in the list of margins, which forms an integral part of the Sales Agreement and shall be settled by the Parties as part of each Sales Agreement concluded.
  2. All provisions regarding the GDPR, as well as the confidentiality of the data and information provided, are included in the Privacy Policy available at
  3. has the right to temporarily stop or limit the use of the REO Platform on the website and in the mobile application in the event of failure, maintenance or modernisation. In the event of complete shutdown of the REO Platform, will publish an appropriate message on the website or in the application, or appropriate notifications will be sent to the Participants.
  4. Information, trademarks and other data posted on the REO Platform shall be the property of or their owners who are Participants, and shall be placed with their consent and it is forbidden to copy, distribute or use for any advertising, promotional or other purposes without the consent of the owners.
  5. The Regulations are valid from the date of being published on
  6. The content of the Regulations may be recorded by printing, saving on a carrier or downloading at any time from the website at
  7. The Regulations may be changed unilaterally by will inform about the content of the changes made in the Regulations by posting a message on the website about the change made in the Regulations; the message shall be posted for at least 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the change comes into force.
  8. The Regulations are the regulations referred to in Art. 8 par. 1 clause 1 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344).
  9. The provisions of the Civil Code, the RES Act, the EP Act and other relevant legal provisions shall apply in matters not covered by these Regulations.
  10.  The court having jurisdiction over the seat of shall be the court competent to resolve disputes arising from the sales contract.





Tabela Marż dla Odbiorców energii elektrycznej





od 0 do 4


>4 do 8


>8 do 25


>25 do 42


>42 do 63


>63 do 125


>125 do 250


>250 do 417


>417 do 833





Tabela Marż dla Wytwórców energii elektrycznej

Bez względu na Wolumen







Nr KRS : 0000953880, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy, ;XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego; Wysokość kapitału; zakładowego: 490 000,00 zł;
NIP: 5213956475, REGON: 521277758