Green encyclopedia

Green encyclopedia

Energy security - what is it, what influences it?

On a day-to-day basis, the fact that we can use electrical appliances in our home or business or fill up our car at the petrol station seems obvious to us. And indeed it is so provided the country is energy secure. What does this mean? How do we understand the concept of energy security?

Green encyclopedia

Upcycling - what is it, what are some examples of it?

By reusing the same materials, the production of polluting waste can be reduced. In addition to the commonly recognised recycling, upcycling is also used. What is upcycling and how can it be used in practice?

Green encyclopedia

Blackout - what is it, how to protect yourself?

A blackout is a dangerous phenomenon that can happen at any time. Blackouts on a massive scale have already happened in the past, so it is worth knowing how to protect yourself for such incidents and how to act then.

Green encyclopedia

Energy clusters - what are they, what are they about?

The development of the economy is driven by the increasing demand for electricity. In order to facilitate energy management in the local authority area and increase the energy security of the population, the concept of energy clusters was created. What are these?

Green encyclopedia

What is biomass? What is it made of? Everything you need to know

In recent years, the European Union has been intensifying its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the share of renewable energy sources in its total energy production. In this context, renewable energy also from biomass is becoming a key element of the energy transition.

Green encyclopedia

Renewable micro-installations - what are they and why should they be installed?

Renewable energy micro-installations are small energy installations that allow the production of electricity or heat using renewable resources such as the sun, wind, water or biomass and biogas. What are the characteristics of micro-installations, what are their types, and how do they help minimize the negative impact on the environment?

Green encyclopedia

Renewable and non-renewable energy sources: a comparison

Electricity is undoubtedly one of the pillars of modern life. It supports our daily activities, fuels cars, lights up cities and powers electrical appliances. However, the sources of electricity we use can have a significant impact on the environment and climate. It is worth understanding the difference between non-renewable energy sources and renewable energy sources, and why the latter are becoming increasingly popular.

Green encyclopedia

Photovoltaic micro-installations: definition, installation and benefits

Nowadays, with pollution and climate change a growing concern, more and more people are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a sustainable future. One such solution is a micro photovoltaic system. What is it and how can it contribute to our energy independence? We invite you to learn more about the topic.

Green encyclopedia

Renewable energy sources - what are renewable energy sources and what are their types?

Energy is essential for businesses to function. Companies need it on a daily basis to operate efficiently. The RES industry can minimise the environmental impact of industry and reduce business costs. What is worth knowing about it?

Green encyclopedia

Energy efficiency: a key factor for sustainable development and environmental protection

Energy efficiency has become one of the most important issues in the field of energy and sustainable development. In the face of changing economic conditions, increasing energy demand, and growing environmental awareness, energy efficiency is of paramount importance to achieve the goals of reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, protecting the environment and water management, and improving resource efficiency.

Green encyclopedia

What is an energy certificate? We take a closer look at the issue of 'coloured' certificates

In recent years, the European Union has been intensifying its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the share of renewable energy sources in its total energy production. In this context, renewable energy also from biomass is becoming a key element of the energy transition.

Green encyclopedia

What is a carbon footprint and how do you calculate it?

Carbon footprint, also known as 'ecological footprint' or 'carbon footprint', is a concept that has become one of the key indicators in the context of climate change and sustainable development. It represents the amount of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO₂), emitted into the atmosphere as a result of human activities or production processes. The carbon footprint is a measure of the human impact on global warming and is an indicator of the impact of our activities on the planet. How do you calculate it and reduce it? Check out our guide!

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