My Current 6.0 program - rules and all additional information

My Current 6.0 program - rules and all additional information


The sixth edition of the My Current program is about to start! The government's “My Current 6.0” program is the latest edition of the popular support for people investing in renewable energy sources. The new edition brings changes and expansions to further encourage Poles to use photovoltaics and other green energy technologies.

The sixth edition of the My Current program is about to start! The government's “My Current 6.0” program is the latest edition of the popular support for people investing in renewable energy sources. The new edition brings changes and expansions to further encourage Poles to use photovoltaics and other green energy technologies. In this article, we outline the detailed rules that apply under the program, the subsidies available and additional information that will help potential beneficiaries take full advantage of the opportunities offered by “My Current 6.0.” 

My Current 6.0 - what is it and how does it work? 

This is the name of the program prepared by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, which aims to support households in Poland in financing and developing prosumer energy. For several editions now, the My Current program has made it possible to obtain financing for, among other things, photovoltaic installation and other RES sources, but also for electricity storage or heat storage. 

This year's edition of My Current 6.0 is scheduled to launch in September, and its rules will be slightly changed and will differ from the previous, fifth edition. In the My Current 6.0 program, for example, it will not be possible to receive funding for heat pumps or collectors and EMS/HMS systems, and NFOSiGW explains this by budget constraints, while not ruling out such funding if the amount for this year's program is increased.  


My Current 6.0 - rules. Who can benefit?

This is worth knowing before the final announcement of the terms and conditions. We are still waiting for the final shape of the terms and conditions of the My Current 6.0 program, but we already know about some of the changes that will take place in the program and what will remain as in the previous edition. Here are some highlights based on information provided a few days ago by the Ministry of Climate and Environment and NFOSiGW: 

  • In last year's edition of the program, funding in the form of a non-refundable grant, such as for the installation of a 2-10 kW domestic photovoltaic micro-installation, ranged from PLN 6,000 to PLN 7,000, while PLN 16,000 could be obtained for electricity storage. These amounts will not change in the My Current 6.0 program. 
  • The organizers plan to increase the maximum capacity of a photovoltaic installation that can receive funding to 20 kW, but this will be linked to the need to install electricity storage.
  • The key change in the My Current 6.0 program is the possibility of receiving a subsidy for a PV installation together with energy storage, with storage being a prerequisite for receiving the subsidy.

Also noteworthy here is the aspect of strictly defined requirements for energy storage and the rule that for every kilowatt of power of a photovoltaic installation there should be 1.5 kilowatt-hours of storage capacity. 

At the same time, the organizers of the My Current 6.0 program remind us of the maximum power of a micro-installation, which is 50 kW. For those applying for a grant for microinstallations, the key information to be completed in the coming weeks will also be that concerning the date of connection and the conditions for receiving the associated grant. From the information available in mid-July 2024, it appears that this date will ultimately not refer to the connection of the installation to the grid, but its application for connection. How it will ultimately be, we will find out in the coming weeks. 

My Electricity 6.0 is a program for those who account for surplus or will account in the current net-billing mechanism. This mechanism covers all prosumers reporting connection after the last day of March 2022. 

My Current 6.0 - for whom? 

It is already known that this year My Current 6.0 is open to individuals who have not previously benefited from other forms of funding for photovoltaic installations. However, the assumptions of the My Current 6.0 program also include those households who, with the funds obtained, want to expand their installation with energy storage regardless of whether or not they have benefited from subsidies in previous years. 

In this way, the My Current 6.0 program can realistically support all those who want to maximize the potential of RES. It is worthwhile to familiarize yourself now with the terms and conditions of the My Current 6.0 program announced so far, in order to prepare for the application and increase your chances of receiving financial support under this year's program. 

My Current 6.0 - total budget 

The budget for the My Current 6.0 program is expected to be around PLN 400 million, with funding for this purpose coming from the FEnIKS 2021-2027 program, Measure FENX.02.02. However, it is worth noting that last year the budget amount was increased from PLN 100 million for the start to almost PLN 900 million ultimately spent on My Current 6.0 funding. At one time, a beneficiary will be able to apply for a maximum grant of PLN 58,000.  

My Current 6.0 - from when can you apply?

While all those interested in applying to the program are invited by the organizers in September 2024, there is no exact date given yet. September 2024 as the start of the My Current 6.0 program is a bit of a delay compared to the original intentions, but the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management explains this by the prolonged processing time for applications from the previous edition. 

We know that the exact date is eagerly awaited by interested people, so as soon as it is announced, we will update the material and announce the date in our social media channels as well. Therefore, it is worth following! 

My Current 6.0 - interest in the program 

It seems that this year's edition of the program will be very popular. Previous editions, the funds were distributed quite quickly, which is something that those interested in the My Current 6.0 program should keep in mind. To increase the chance of funding, it is worth preparing to apply now. 

The emphasis on the need to combine PV installations with energy storage is an additional benefit for investors, allowing us to assume that interest in the My Current 6.0 program will be even greater than last year. We are keeping our fingers crossed for those who, like us, want to use RES energy and take advantage of the opportunity for this year's funding. 

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